Universal Hydraulic Test Stand Series HEC-1250

The Hydromechanical Engineering Ltd. Universal Hydraulic Test Stand model HEC-1250 is designed for testing pressure control valves, flow control valves, selector valves and electrically actuated hydraulic valves, hydraulic act
uators and accumulators.
High quality stainless steel construction.
Safety chamber for high pressure static tests.
Cycling at high pressure of hydraulic actuators and accumulators.
Temperature control of fuel test circuits.
Modern design simplifies operation and maintenance.
Computerized Data Acquisition System which provides:
Simplified operation by mouse point and click.
Test instructions are displayed on screen.
The computer automatically carries out the data acquisition.
Tests, results, with PASS/FAIL reporting, are displayed on screen and printed on the included color printer.
Historical test data review is readily accessible from historical test records saved on disk.
HEC-1250 Technical Data:
Flow and Pressure: Up to 60 GPM at 3,000 PSI, and 5,000 PSI at reduced flow.
Static Pressure: Up to 15,000 PSI air operated pump with manual override.
Nitrogen Pressure: Up to 1000 PSI.
Hydraulic Fluid: MIL-H-5606.
Filtration: 3 micron Abs. ß75.
Reservoir Capacity: 200 Gallons.
DC supply for UUT input: 0-32 VDC, 5 AMP.